• April 2024
    S M T W T F S

Sunday worship

Finished up another day at the ol’ church. I don’t want to make it sound like a drag, but it’s hard when my heart isn’t in it sometimes. What happened to the fire that once ignited for God that saw the world with rose colored stones? What happened to the days where serving meant so much as a reward rather than a duty and a chore? What happened to the people who passionately worshiped for the sake of worshiping rather than empty echoes in a sanctuary? Those days are gone for me.


Spent the better part of my day at the park with some EM members in honor of the 4th of July. Barnes Park had some sort of firework extravaganza at sunset that was not to be missed. This marked the first time that I tried to photograph fireworks with my Nikon D40x and while I did have a bit of a problem figuring out how to correctly set the shutter and aperture, I got it down fairly well.

The day wasn’t as great as I thought it would be as it seemed more like a babysitting job with the youth. For some reason, when the youth get involved, it’s more troublesome and tiring for the rest of the EM. It’s probably because they really don’t do much but consume and complain. It’s sad to see what the current culture is turning into. What happened to the generosity of the younger generation toward the older? What ever happened to common decency (I site only the youth ‘ooh’ing and ‘ahh’ing throughout the fireworks which seemed a bit juvenile)? This is precisely the reason why I had to turn my back on serving the youth. They are a lost cause.


gas prices

For the first time in my life, I have paid over $4 for a gallon of gasoline.  To put this into perspective, let’s compare it to a gallon of milk.  Right now, I can buy a gallon of milk at a neighborhood store for the same price, $4!  This is insane!  Granted, if I shop around for milk, I can find one for ~$2.50/gal.  But this is nuts.  We, as a society, is already paying a lot for our commodities (albeit not as much as the rest of the world), but I expect better.  If the consumer suffers, the economy suffers.  I want to drive less, but can’t because work forces me to commute and do deliveries.

When will this madness ever end?

Of Business and Men

Why do people like to terrorize others?  What grants them satisfaction by taking other people’s stuff.  My cafe was broken into today and the thieves took a bit of cash with them.  I say thieves not because I know there were more than one, but just to cover all the bases.  You know what…life sucks.  People do terrible things to others just to get ahead and theft is a big problem in the current society.  Why do we allow it in a modern society?  Perhaps we are granting people too much free will.  Maybe a better society will limit a bit of freedom.